Sunday, December 5, 2010

Lazying Around

It is not like I am very busy after coming to USA but its just that I keep on lazying around but yeah I feel that I have to get back to writing regularly on my blog.
I am gonna do it soon, atleast I hope so.

Life is going on good.There have been quite a few occasions worth writing for, NY Trip, Miami Trip and few more. Will surely write about them soon.

So what the hell keeps me busy these days? hmm.. I dont know. I am just lazying around.


miriam said...

yes :)

Suze said...

Since you don't have a guestbook I'm leaving a comment here :) Just wanted to say hi. I didn't read much on here (I am going to tho)
Would be cool to see you on my blog soon! ;) Greets

Unknown said...

is that some kind of lazy song


MyKatWalk said...

Lazying around. I can relate to layzing around. I am currently on medical leave. My restrictions are, not be be around people who are sick, no small children and no animals. I can eat fresh vegetables and get plenty of rest. So, all in all im Lazying around.