Saturday, November 29, 2008
And the motherfuckers lost their minds
It was about 11 pm; I was having dinner with my roommates at room itself when I got a call from home. I told Mom that I will call her back after dinner; this was when she gave me the news of something happening in Mumbai, some sort of firing and stuff.
We guys immediately swapped the channel to see the news, when they were showing that there has been some firing near Leopold’s Café in Colaba. I jumped to the conclusion that this is nothing but a gang war (got this thought cuz of the way the café has been mentioned in Shantaram). Anyways so we were just watching the news when to our biggest surprise the news completely changed in sometime from the conclusion of gang war to terrorist attack all over the city. There has been firing at Taj Hotel and Oberoi Hotel as well and then suddenly a blast at Ville Parle and Santa Cruz. This was scary man, a situation of national emergency, which my nation was not at all prepared for and I guess never will be. Okay I will 1st in short describe the Mumbai siege, the terror started at approx 11 pm on 26th of Nov and ended early morning today i.e. on 29th Nov, taking about 60 hours. To read about the attack in details please click here.
The death toll is about 200 and injured 400; obviously these are much less than the actual human loss. Apart from this there has been a huge property loss to the iconic structures of the country.
But for a common man of India like me, there has been a loss of trust and faith in the country’s security measures. This is a really fucked up situation now for all the people in Mumbai, ya I know there is no such good security in other parts of the country as well but this city, the financial capital of India is I guess most vulnerable.
I actually can’t jot down everything I had been feeling from past 3 days and even right now but the simple thing I know is that though the country is kinda happy and celebrating the win over the terrorists attack and all of them are dead and one captured but the most simple equation for me is the opposite…I feel they have won…the terrorists.
It is very simple, the root word of terrorist is “terror”, their main purpose being to spread terror amongst the people and after this incidence I bet no single person in Mumbai will roam with bindaas attitude wherever he wants to in the city, he will always be afraid of being shot by some insane motherfucker or get victimized to some blast in some public transport mean. It is so easily visible TERROR in the minds of the people, all kind of people, upper class middle class lower class and people of all religions. It is simple that the terrorists have won.
The act is worth condemn, I just fuckin can’t believe that someone can get so inhuman to even shoot children who are crying but these motherfuckers even did that, they have no emotions no nothing…they just know how to kill…and that’s it.
On the other side I am really very proud of being a citizen of this really fucked up government of my country India. These are different fools fighting and playing the blame game all over when people were getting shot and the real heroes, the brave hearts (police, army, navy, NSG) were risking as well as sacrificing their lives saving the people and fighting with 19th century weapons against the 21st century weapons.
Trust me, it is so damn easy getting killed in this city, I can’t say much about the other cities but ya here in Mumbai it is not a big thing at all. It’s time to accept the facts; we are a third world country. In 2008 itself there has been atleast 5 terror attacks all over the country and hardly anyone responsible has been arrested and even if someone gets arrested there will be one more terror attack and the demands will be to release that arrested person.
I am not saying that things won’t ever change, I dream of India as the developed nation but right now all I know is that “This reality is nothing but a fucked up dream…”
P.S. The post title has been taken from the song named “Bullet in your head” by one of my favorite bands “Rage against the machine” and the last line is taken from another song named "Between angels and insects" by "Paparoach".
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Done !! Cracked Klueless 4 :-)

Yuppieee….Finally we did it…
Me and Rahul…as we planned…completed Klueless 4 :D
Moment to be proud of…
But it wasn’t too easy…it took almost 2 and half days…
We started the moment...the game was launched on 23rd October sharp 10 am and then yesterday at about 2 pm we completed it…it was a great feeling to plan something and then achieve it :D (many such things are still pending in life…hope same happens with them too)
Anyways I feel so happy to tell you that Rahul and Me have conquered the 7th position in the Klueless4 hall of fame.
The game was too good…just can’t describe the experience in words…it’s simply addictive…as the poster says.
These 2 and half days I was at Rahul’s room only. We didn’t expect that we will be ranked so high…cuz all the last versions we played…the 500 names in hof were already there…hehe…obviously we started much later…anyways this time we didn’t leave any chance for that and luckily very few people completed the game before us.
Lastly thanks to people who posted hints in Klueless blog which helped us whenever we needed a direction and obviously a BIG THANKS to KLUELESS 4 team…u guys rock \m/
P.S. I didn’t read anything in these 2 and half days… :-( But that doesn’t mean I am not taking my studies seriously…I will compensate it.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
The wait is almost over…Klueless 4
For the unaware people Klueless is the online puzzle by IIM Indore guys as a part of their annual festival IRIS…
Me and Rahul have been the great fans of this game…we have completed all the 3 earlier games too…klueless 1 and 3 being the best 2 of the 3 but that doesn’t mean klueless 2 was boring but not as interesting for us as Klueless 1 or 3.
Anyways I won’t be writing much now…as it’s just 10 mins left….
So guys wish me luck…
We both had planned a long time earlier bout playin klueless 4 together and fortunately today we are together…so we will be giving our best shot…
So lets see…(will update bout the happenings) :-)
Friday, October 3, 2008
1st Anniversary of my HTC Touch :-)

I still remember that I was in Pune as usual…for weekend I guess and then I had to buy a new mobile phone since my earlier one got too old…and then one fine night…I guess 1st October we few guys were having dinner in George and then we were discussing about all the new cell phones in market…and then Wasim talked about HTC Touch…I never heard of the company…lol…but he was too much in favor of it…and then we all got pretty excited and then we came back to Rahul’s flat and checked out the cell phone’s review on net…and then I almost fell for it :-)
Means the touch flow video really rocks man…u just feel…what the fuck is that…its too cool… (honestly telling this touch flow function I must have used hardly 10 times in entire year…lol) ya but it looks too cool…and specially when some one who hasn’t seen this cell and you are showing him your cell phone and then do that touch flow thing…he really feels…man that fuckin cool…
So then next day…that is on Mahatma Gandhi Anniversay we went to telephone shoppee and saw all available cell phones…N73…MotoRocker and HTC touch being the main attraction and then I took some time and guys (Akshay and Rahul took some time…Rahul was inclined towards any one of the 1st two and Akshay was inclined towards HTC Touch) and I was in complete dilemma about what to buy…and then the most important factor of life GOD (money) was also there…HTC was costing 19.5 K…man it was too costly (at least at that time)…but then sometimes you have to take the risk…risk as in buying something really new in market…which you haven’t seen anyone using and then spending such a big amount on it…but then as it has been said “No Risk No Gain”…I took the risk and believe me I gained a lot…
(I bought the cell phone on next day…3rd October 2007 as I couldn’t take out so much cash at the same night cuz of cash withdrawal limit)
The cell phone was just launched in market…in fact most of my friends never heard of it before…including myself…and when I messaged everyone regarding the new cell phone…someone even felt that HTC Touch is a typo for Hutch…lolz
This cell phone is really cool to use and there are no flaws in it…its worth the money you spend…I am not gonna write all the cool things...yup but in short it’s a good deal :-)
So that’s all…Happy Birthday to U…my dear HTC Touch :-)
P.S.:- my earlier cell phone is N-Gage QD and I am still using it along with my new cell phone :-)
Thursday, October 2, 2008
I need some time
Anyways...I haven't posted anything from a long time and I actually wanna write quite a lot things that keep coming in mind (and leave it very soon...lolz) but I need some time...that's all I can say as of now...
So hope I take out some time and write things... :-)
Monday, September 15, 2008
Righteous Kill

Righteous Kill is a good movie but not a very good movie…and the only thing that makes it good is two superb and senior actors Robert De Niro and Al Pacino.
The story line is just another action – crime story line…nothing much to write about it…the only thing that makes it interesting is the presence of two big actors.
If I am sounding too negative then please don’t think wrong…the movie is not bad or something :-)
I would rate it as 6.5/10.
A Wednesday

The 1st was “A Wednesday”.
This is a must watch movie for all…for at least we Indians…who have been portrayed in the movie…the common man.
The acting by two senior actors Anupam Kher and Naseeruddin Shah is superb as expected. The storyline is awesome…it’s just a 100 minute movie and you wont get bored at any point.
What makes the movie special is the current scenario in India…the dominant atmosphere of terrorist attacks and the helplessness of the government…and how the common people are suffering due to this.
There is nothing much to write about the movie. You will get it all once you see it for yourself.
I just loved it…and would rate it 8/10 :-)
P.S. While I was watching this movie in theatre with Akshay…I got a message from my roommate (Sameer) that there have been serial blasts in Delhi…it was a terrifying message…I thought for a moment that if the theatre blows up…but then got involved in the movie and the Devil inside the empty mind slept off…hehe
Friday, September 12, 2008
THE END…By...The Doors

Its 12 30 am now…Friday night…but nothing special as such…
Just…came back from office at about 10 and then made some phone calls and then had my dinner…and came online…no one special was online so was just getting bored and hence started listening some old rock songs…
Realized why it is said…OLD IS GOLD !!
Few minutes back heard the song THE END by one of the greatest rock band ever “THE DOORS”…simply beautiful…read lyrics online and the moozik composed…it just takes you somewhere else…
This is not the 1st time I am listening DOORS songs but I don’t know tonight it was something different…I have heard many of their songs but this one is really a different composition from the others…
Light My Fire…Love Me Two Times…Love Her Madly…Hello I Love You…LA Woman…these are few of the best DOORS songs…from their titles itself you can make out that they are romantic…but rock songs are very different than typical romantic pop songs…anyways…my point here is the song THE END is simply amazing…it’s a beautiful combination of lyrics…music…and specially the voice…the voice of GOD…Jim Morrison…the way he has sung the song…his style…everything adds up to the magical effect on the listener…
THE END is one of the best rock song ever composed according to me…
Guys you gotta listen it…or you are missing something :-)
Keep Rocking !! \m/
Wednesday, September 10, 2008

For the smokers who are actually used to smoke whenever and wherever they like,
This news in Times of India will make a difference from 2nd of October.
The Govt of India has finally decided to forcefully impose the law of smoking ban in public places all across the country…For those who are unaware of the fact…this law was formed and also applied 2 years ago…but as you know WE INDIANS never followed it and our lovely government stood helpless for these 2 years…But now our Health Minister Mr. Ramadoss has decided not to let this rule violation continue anymore…hope he succeeds (lol)
But to tell you my honest opinion…I have a gut feeling that this time it’s gonna work…the article mentioned above describes all the acts and actions that will be taken care by the government.
A fine of 200 bucks and which will be further increased to 1000 bucks will be imposed if a person is caught smoking in public places and if within an organization then the organization will have to pay the extra fine of 5000 bucks per person…1000 bucks sounds like a heavy fine man :-(
Anyways I guess companies must be taking their own precautionary and corrective measures of declaring the smoking zones and hence will be safe and the clever smokers will find their way out by not violating the law.
I won’t be affected much as I always smoke along roadside (roads and parks are NO more public places under this law)…I guess neither will it be a great deal for other smoker friends as almost all the tapris in INDIA are along roadside (Tapri is the hindi word for a place where you get cigarettes and chai (tea)…standard tapri is also known as PAN SHOP)
Government thinks that most school kids start smoking just because they see people around them smoking and also on screen (I will write another blog post on this screen funda)…may be the govt is correct here…and if it is so then the law may help…
But what I honestly feel is that most of the people smoke cuz they want to and feel like smoking…and at least I am not amongst those who started smoking may be cuz of others or just for the style as shown on screen (according to many people).
But ban on smoking in hotels and pubs and discos doesn’t sound like a good idea…I wonder how can some one enter a disco or pub and find no smoke anywhere…he may pinch himself to believe the scene.
Creating smoke zones at these places won’t be a good idea either…I guess the owners will prefer to hang the smoke zone board right besides the name of the place e.g. CAFÉ MONDEGAR [Smoke Zone]…lolz…
Whatever…I hope the law will be followed at the feasible places and the rest I guess...lets wait and watch…or may be again the law stays on paper for few more years as it did for last 2 years and then govt actually accepts the need of amendment.
Oh man…I need a smoke :-)
Monday, September 8, 2008
Independence Rock XXIII and XXII

The fest has been started by FARHAD K. WADIA.
To know more about the iROCK….Please Click Here…
31st August 2008, Sunday…I went with Akshay, Rohan and Anubhav for iRock 23 at Chitrakoot Ground in Andheri.
To tell you the events honestly, we reached the place almost one hour late but we were not the only ones as there were people even after us to buy the tickets…whatever…so then we entered the ground.
Some Kolkata Band was playing and the songs were all ok ok types and hence we didn’t enjoy as we expected.
Then came the last band Agni (we came to know that only 3 bands were going to play out of which we missed the half part exact) anyways…then Agni came on stage…a band from Pune…who mainly have their own compositions in Hindi…so we were expecting that it’s gonna be obviously boring.
But we were proved wrong…the band started with their self composition on Lord Shiva and the moozik for it was really impressive…the band continued with one or two more self compositions and then they started playing covers and they were superb songs like Whole Lotta Love (Led Zep), Immigrant Song (Led Zep), Love me Two Times (The Doors), Nothing Else Matters (Metallica) and few more and thus we were actually happy to be there and I did a lot of headbang and shouted a lot (obviously) :-)
Finally we left by 10.15 and then had dinner together at Lucky (where we laughed a lot on few jokes by Rohan and Me…which were really very funny) and then we went to Akshay’s place and slept off.
Overall the day went great.
But for us…iROCK 23 was not as great as iROCK 22.
Last year we went to the same place but we were few more guys…Rahul, Gaurang and few Rohan’s cousins…and the songs played were really good…mainly death metal songs and we enjoyed the mosh pit too…alongwith the wall of death…
For people who didn’t understand what does mosh pit and wall of death mean…PLEASE CLICK HERE.
Also the bands who performed in iRock 22 were awesome as compared to those who played this year…anyways whatever it is…iRock ROCKS !! \m/
One more thing other than moozik in iRock to be noticed is the crowd present.
The crowd is mainly the youth class…everyone wearing their favorite bands’ t-shirt.
You can hardly find anyone wearing a Non-Black t-shirt in the entire crowd…all people are rock fans banging and rocking with the deafening music…Smoking guys and gals and few fanatics drunk too :-) that’s the real fun.
Other than the Band t-shirts, you can also find people wearing Che Guevara t-shirts as he is a popular icon of youthful rebellion. (I will definitely write another post on this man later :-))
So that’s all about iROCK…if you be here in India and wanna have a good time don’t miss this event…its organized in all major cities of the country.
Live to Rock !! \m/
Friday, September 5, 2008

Saw this movie on 2nd Sept.
It’s a nice movie.
Nothing much to write about it.
I heard the director name for the 1st time “Timur Bekmambetov”, he is Russian.
The star cast of the movie is nice…stars James McAvoy, Angelina Jolie and Morgan Freeman. James MaAvoy seemed to be a known face but I couldn’t recall any of his…
There are some new fundas in the movie like curving bullet path and bruises removing wax bath and the one liked most was …DECOY…
It’s a timepass movie…don’t think too much about everything shown on screen and thus you will enjoy :-)
I would rate it 6.5/10.
Thursday, September 4, 2008

Few years ago may be 2 years ago I was one of the above mentioned category…I never tried any animated movie and actually used to feel…kya bey…cartoon hi toh hain…(what’s in it…just cartoons)…but then I gave it a try…thanks to Rahul for this…I guess my 1st animated movie was Monster House or may be Happy Feet…and then I just loved them…I came to know how ahead America is in using technology…how they have gone way far ahead of us to produce movies…to give cartoons emotions and power of expressing emotions…may be better than us…human beings…WALL – E is another example of the same thing.
I don’t wanna write much about the movie as all I have got are my feelings and its really difficult to describe them in words here…this movie is the best animated movie ever produced…and WALL – E is the best animated character…he is damn cute…damn emotional and all his expressions…I just cant write it in words…even now I am getting excited thinking of the movie…I saw it yesterday in Pune with Rumi, Veenu and Akshay.
The animation is FLAWLESS…simply and absolutely flawless…I dream of day when such kinda movies will be produced in my India.
Anyways…the movie is a story of WALL – E ((Waste Allocation Load Lifter – Earth-Class) and EVE (Extraterrestrial Vegetation Evaluator), but its not just the story about these two…it’s a very conceptual movie about what may be possible in future may be 1000 years later…there is one more cute robot in the movie named M-O who cleans all the filth wherever he finds it…but WALL – E is the cutest of all. And the voice given by Ben Burtt is so sweeeeet… :-)
I rate the movie as 9/10 and its no surprise that movie has been rated as 8.7/10 in IMDB and stands 29th in the list of IMDB top 250 Movies.
Hats off to the director Andrew Stanton.
EVEEEEE (WALL – E style)
Rock On !!

So on Monday night (1st Sept )…after office while going home in company bus alongwith my roommate Ranga, at about 10 pm when we crossed a theatre on the way home, I just got an idea that lets Rock on...and then we two went for it.
It is not the extra ordinary story that makes a movie good or close to people’s heart but the ordinary story with the dreams and feelings of all the ordinary people…this is all what Rock On is about.
There is no suspense or surprise or twisting points in the movie but still the director Abhishek Kapoor who is also the story writer has actually done a fabulous job…you get the goose bumps as it’s all about having a dream and then accomplish the things against all the odds and getting out of life’s vicious circle to do something which you have been planning and failed once miserably but still over a long run you make it being friends together.
Farhan Akhtar and other stars Arjun, Purab and Luke actually make you feel that there is this band Magik…their appearance has been wonderfully planned…Luke makes me remember Axl Rose of Guns N Roses and the pic of all four in empty swimming pool (the cover pic) I feel somehow has been copied from one of the Metallica pic but whatever it’s too good.
I would rate this movie as 8/10.
Meri Laundry Ka Ek Bill, Ek Aadhi Padhi Novel…na na naaa naaa na na naaa naaa :-)
Live Your Dream
Friday, August 29, 2008
Dead Silence

The movie is based on an urban legend or say frightening stories parents tell their children (if you know what I mean). Nothing much to tell about the movie other than that you can watch it atleast once.
I would rate it 7/10.
You Scream. You Die.
Street Kings

Street Kings is an action crime movie and after reading wiki I came to know it was also titled as ‘The Night Watchman”.
The movie has famous stars like Keanu Reeves and Forest Whitaker.
I have seen a couple of movie of both the actors and I liked them and hence I knew the movie turn out to be a boring.
It’s a story about a cop and the politics in the police department. I won’t write anything more.
I would rate the movie as 7/10 and actually I did the same in IMDB :-)
Teeth --- What the hell was that?

Anyways this is a very boring movie…when I read on wiki I came to know that it is actually a black comedy…else I was thinking that why a horror movie has been directed like a comedy movie…
Nothing much to write about the movie…probably writing this post just to keep track of the movies I see… :-)
I would rate this movie as 2/10.
Don’t watch Doomsday

Alongwith Rahul and Akshay, I saw this movie at Rahul’s room, when I was in Nagpur.
Honestly I wanna tell you all who are reading this post, don’t try be a phantom like we did and watch this movie cuz this movie has got nothing in it…I tell u…when the movie begins and till the time they show title and star cast and introduction goes on…you will build up high expectations from the movie but eventually what you gonna get it is a kick on your bad ass for watching this super duper flop movie of the year 2008…
I don’t wanna tell you why the movie is bad…I don’t even know the actors or directors and I feel lucky for not knowing them :-)
In IMDB the movie has been rated as 6.2 / 10 and I wonder who the hell the voters are, probably the relatives of the actors and directors…lolz…I would rate it 1/10..may be something less if allowed.
So again I will end this post by saying “Don’t watch Dommsday”.
Nagpur Vacation
Left for nagpur on 13th August, it was Wednesday. Met Akshay at Dadar and then we both left by Vidarbh Express.
Nagpur trip was cool.
All were there, Rahul Mandar and Arpit (this was a surprise I kept till the last moment). Everyone was happy to have it and it was indeed a sweet surprise.
We reached Nagpur on 14th at 9am in morning…then went to my home and I got freshened up and all and then we went to Arpit’s place by Autorickshaw which I never preferred in my city as we never used it when in college.
Anyways then what, we just enjoyed all the days together.
One day myself, Rahul and Akshay went to Bhandara in Rahul’s car…it was an adventurous trip…ya I remember it was Sunday 17th…We left in morning at 8 am…within city only we would have met an accident but luckily escaped it…and then while returning also we met a small accident where one van just kissed our car from side…luckily it also didn’t made any difference…means nothing happened to us inside car and nothing went wrong…everything was just fine.
So this way we went to meet Sudarshan at his place…while his mom cooked lunch for us, we guys went to a nearby place Korambi, it’s a river side chill out place…nothing we just had smoke and chitchatted a lot.
Came back and had chicken made by aunty…it was yummy and then by 3.30 noon we left and reached back home at around 6.30 pm.
It was Rakhshabandhan on 16th and my “Tai” (a marathi word for elder sister) couldn’t come to tie me Rakhi as she couldn’t get holidays from her college.
So she came on Sunday morning for the purpose and then I met her after coming back from Bhandara :-)
The same night I went with my friends to a so called pub in Nagpur “PP’s Garage”…before this I never knew that this place would turn out to be my nightmare…I had visited the place couple of times before but never had such a bad experience…We guys were there for almost 2 hours and in those 120 minutes the so called DJ just played 3 or 4 songs worth being played in a pub…the crowd there didn’t had any idea or a difference between a pub and disco…they were dancing on the songs being played as bad as some drunkard dances in a wedding band (if you know what I mean), some guys were trying to be hip by moving their hands in a hip hop action but that was just a pretence…the entire pub was rocking except guys on our table…the songs being played were mostly Hindi remixes and some as worse as “Tip Tip Barsa Pani”…that was a bullet in my heart…the muthafucka (DJ) was dancing on some Bhangada songs…the only time when all guys on our table rocked was when DJ played 3 consecutive cool songs “Fear of the Dark” “Last Resort” and “Faint”…and for these 15 minutes or so, entire public was completely quiet…and may be that was the reason DJ came back to their choice and played all the songs earlier and similar to ruin our night…the 80 % crowd was really cheap…guys dancing without their I just can’t forget how bad it was…
Anyways we came back and I had my sleep at Mandar’s place…
One fine night after that we had a party at Mandar’s place and all those know how cool the atmosphere there is…surely know how cool the party had been…it was fuckin awesome…we had VAT 69 (bumper) and Signature (quarter). Most of us tasted VAT 69 for the 1st time and all liked it…Signature is cool…everyone knows…after midnight when we felt that we need more liquor Rahul and Mandar got one more Signature quarter and some more cigarettes…the night was cool…we talked a lot...laughed a lot (that’s the most important part for me) and then we slept off with that feeling high…
Then on Wednesday or Thursday (I don’t exactly remember) Mandar and Akshay both left for Hyderabad and Mumbai respectively...and then only I and Rahul were left :-)
The next 4 5 days till 24th I stayed all nights at my home…obviously I was with my other friends whenever possible…these days were slow and relaxing...
And now the best memory in my Nagpur vacation…my bike Yamaha RX 135…we got it repaired and then it was mixed feelings…happy for bike working now…sad that I didn’t do it from such a loooooooong time…fuckin two years….and the most important part…anger over myself…that it just costed 265 Rs…two hundred and sixty five rupees ONLY…for getting my bike started…may be there are some more maintenance to be done but for now it was just 265 and I couldn’t fuckin do it from last more than 700 days...i fuckin hate myself for this…but anyways I am very happy that I didn’t ignore it this time…and alongwith Rahul, I finally did it.
So that was it, over all my Nagpur vacation was cool, adventurous and I was more than happy as I was there after a real long span of 5 months.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Mama I' M Coming Home
Nagpur my love…city of oranges…city of hearts…city of joy…city of lovely people and the most important of all…city of my family and FRIENDS :-)
It has been 5 months, I haven’t been there…can you imagine….5 fuckin months…and I have not visited Nagpur even once…man its hell lot of a gap…I am just 800 km away and couldn’t manage to go to home from a real long time…but finally the wait is over…tomorrow I will be leaving and within few hours I will be there…my Karmabhumi (the place of one’s deeds).
Just 5 minutes before I got done with the packing and stuff…cuz it’s no normal vacation for me…I am going there for 11 11 days is really cool…
For the 1st time after I joined my job…that means in last 2 years this will be my longest vacation at home…hurraayyyyyy…I am so excited…so curious…so eager…so desperate…I just can't express all of it in words…I am simply happy.
It took me more than 2 hours to get my packing done along with sorting all the clothes I have…I have so many clothes…I never knew…I get so angry over myself looking at few of them…I haven’t worn them from such a long time…most of them are so dirty now…after I return there is gonna be a big task waiting for me…washing all the clothes…but leave it…right now I don’t wanna think of anything except me going home…
Home…sweet home!!
All friends are gonna be there…and it’s gonna be real fun…we gonna party real hard…yupppiiiieeeeeee…
There is gonna be no work load…no daily fucked up robotic routine…no deadlines…no issues…no tensions…
There is gonna be only fun...masti...maahol and rest after I get tired :-)
So that’s it…now time to sleep its 2.35 am…not too late for me though…lol
Mama I’M Coming Home!!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Where am I ??
Hey, where are you man? No blog from a long time, huh?
Wassup these days? ........... That’s me to myself … hehehhe.
Hmm…man last week was so hectic specially the last two working days.
Had training (Siebel EIM) on Thursday and Friday.
As usual slept by 2.30 am on Wednesday night (oh k, its Thursday morning).
Woke up at 7 in morning to catch the 8 am bus for office.
Reached office at exact 8.50 am, there was hardly anyone else, atleast no one from my project.
Some insane person will only like to get up early in the morning in this season.
It’s right now raining in Mumbai and the atmosphere in morning is so good to sleep :-) it is psychologically so difficult to look out at the atmosphere out of our window and wake up.
Sometimes I feel, given a chance, I would have been sleeping all day, but alas!
Anyways so I reached office and then had breakfast and then attended training from 10 am till evening, then came back to desk and started working.
I was thinking that I will leave early as I came early but then according to the Murphy ’s Law, there were issues at night to look after and it made me leave by 1030 pm bus at night. I was so damn tired and sleepy, I just can’t express now.
Ok, then reached home and had dinner and all, it was again 1 am and then as I am used to sleeping late, inspite of being so tired I slept at 2 at night.
Next day again it was training so woke up at 7 again, got the bus, attended the training and then office and then somehow managed to leave by 9.30 bus.
Came back home and watched “Jo Jeeta Wohi Sikandar” on TV :-) one of the best Bollywood Movies. So slept late again at 2.30 and then it was Saturday, lovely Saturday, woke up at 12.3o, few people bugged me up with calls, in my early morning sleep (in between 9 to 11 am…lolz) but I managed to cut it short and then slept again :-)
So Saturday was good, went to meet Ambu at airport and then had lunch with him there itself and then went to akshay’s place in Bandra and then went to buy books with him for him only and then went to Band Stand, had a walk in heavy drizzle and then had an Irish Coffee in CCD, it was too sweet :-( and then moved back home. Iqbal was going on TV so watched it. Its one of the best movies by Nagesh Kukunoor, he is really a nice director.
So again slept late night at 2.30 and then today morning woke up at 9 and went to give Simcat 5 of IMS and then it went ok except for Maths which now I am realizing is my weak area…study u motherfuc*er (I curse myself a lot)…so that’s it…and then was at home from then…didn’t bath :-) … talked with Anya and Rahulya on net itself, it was fun…ya saw one of the best movies infact this year’s best bollywood movie “Taare Zameen Par” in noon…man it’s a must watch…my eyes get wet in some of its scenes…ya then that’s all…whole day was like…AARAAM !!
Then again wasn’t feeling sleepy so thought of blogging a bit and here is the result :-) … sala dekhte hi dekhte bohaat sara likh diya bey…anyways time to sleep…office tomorrow :-(
How I fuckin hate Mondays !!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
The Dark Knight

I am no batman fan but then Anya, he is ardent batman fan.
I actually came to know from his blog only that this movie is gonna release pretty soon…and then it did.
Saw the movie last Wednesday on 23rd July and very next day got a mail about Heath Ledger (Joker) from Arpit. The mail subject line was "The LOST JOKER " as Heath is no more. When I forwarded it, I had few sentences written by my own, I guess they will be perfect for this post.
Saw "TDK" last night...and believe me its unaffordable miss...i just cant express everything bout the movie in words...
nd now i m a batman fan...this is perhaps the best batman movie (I havent seen oders' though lol) ...
But u gotta see it...
Christopher Nolan and Chirstian Bale actually form a deadly combo...
But the show stealer ya may be U can man show is by the person "Heath Ledger" as "JOKER" !!
The quote read:-
"Cinema should make you forget you are sitting in a theater. --- Roman Polanski"

And these movies are very close to my heart and I can watch them and just keep watching them.
So when I got to know about TDK being ranked #1, watching it as soon as possible became as necessary as some assignment about to meet deadline.
Its 3.55 am now…time to sleep…office tomorrow…oh no…today…bye :-)
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Don't watch "Kismat Konnection"
I am telling you, I did it man...I fuckin watched the movie...
And I am gonna regret those 3 hours of my life for the entire lifetime...believe me...I am not exaggerating…its true…
I won’t even waste my time describing that silly movie or telling everyone that why one shall not watch the movie…just remember not to watch it, that’s all.
I have sympathy for all those who committed the same mistake which I did.
And I am happy that the other lucky fellas didn’t bear that torture of pathetic jokes and over acting and senseless story.
Man this weekend has not been good.
1stly watched that stupid movie on Saturday and then office on Sunday, anyways there were few good things too :-)
And since I have already committed the sin, it’s not important, how did I do it but actually I feel, why did I do it? :-(
Anyways time to sleep now… goodnight !!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Smoke !! .... A self composition :-)
Composed this poem in office tonight (16/07/2008), when I was free between 9.30 to 10 pm :-)
Dedicated to all my smoker as well as non smoker friends.
Smoke makes me feel good
On smoke sometimes I rely
Sometimes when thoughts get heavier
I take a smoke and feel high
Now I am like a kite
Chasing my way in the sky
Some people hate cigarettes
Others spend money to buy
As everyone wants to refresh their minds
It's just different ways that they try
Somebody told me smoking kills
If man is a fish, it takes its gills
I told him, even if you wish, no fish can fly
You smoke or don’t, one day you have to fuckin die
Smoke doesn’t form a wrong impression
It doesn’t make you a bad guy
As non smokers too, commit many sins
If they say no then they fuckin lie
Life does start and so it will have to end
It starts with a 'hi' and ends with a 'goodbye'
I tell you no one ever died of smoke and no one will ever die
Time is a punisher, one day, on death bed, everyone has to lie
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
The Machinist

The movie was released in Jan 2004 and I saw it pretty late, after 4 yrs.
Anyways the movie is really good, it’s a psychological thriller.
Directed by Brad Anderson and lead actor is Chistian Bale.
The movie is about a guy named “Trevor Reznik” who has chronic insomnia. This along with the guilt inside him makes him suffer from hallucination.
The movie is really fun to watch, it’s the movie with different pieces of jigsaw puzzle with the last piece coming in the end.
There is nothing much to write about the movie…Everything becomes clear in last 5 minutes when Trevor discovers what actually is going around him. The story is quite simple but what matters is how it has been put up and beautifully directed by the director and performed by the actor.
For a guy like me, the movie has been refreshing. :-)
The most appreciable part of the movie was the weight loss by Christian Bale for the role.
He lost around 28 kg for the role. He looks like a skeleton in some scenes. I would suggest you to take a look at the pics of the actor in the movie, it is simply amazing.
To have a look at the pics Please click here
Earlier I thought that it is the special effect but then since the built remains the same skinny in the entire movie I checked out Wikipedia and came to know about the facts.
I would rate it as 3.5 on the scale of 5.
To read more about the movie Please click here
Saturday, July 12, 2008
7/11 Mumbai Blasts -- I was in one of the trains
They were my early days in Mumbai.
For my first project I used to travel everyday to lower parel in local train.
The first day I got in local I was quite excited cuz I had always heard about it but never experienced the crowd, the rush, the sweat and the joy :-)
It was 11th of July 2006 Tuesday; I went to office in local, as a part of my daily office routine.
I made a friend named Kush in the project. He was senior to me but we used to smoke together in breaks and then you must know, 2 smokers become friends too early :-)
It was around 5.30 pm when Kush asked me if I wanted to leave with him. I agreed. Pre monsoon had begun in Mumbai so everybody preferred to leave early.
If I would have been alone…my routine was to walk to lower parel station...alone...with a sutta in hand and then catch a borivali local.
But today I was with Kush and he insisted me to walk till elphinstone road.
His daily routine was to have a glass of juice there and then get a train to borivali.
I accompanied him.
We reached station by 6 I guess and then we got in the local.
As usual we never got the seat and we were so used to stand in local.
Few stations passed by dadar, matunga, mahim, bandra and then khar road.
We both were just chatting about something and then it happened.
There was a blast, a big one; it was like a sutli bomb (noisiest Diwali firecracker in India) just exploded near our ears.
The train stopped. Within seconds we heard people shouting screaming, hell lot of panic.
We 1st thought that some transformer must have exploded but then there was smoke too.
Everybody started shouting Bomb!! Bomb!!
People started jumping from the train and ran away from the compartments.
We too jumped from the train and then had a look at the train from outside…it blew my mind as good as the train bogie was blown up by the fuckin Bomb.
The 1st class men bogie just ahead of ours 1st class men bogie was blown up…was torn apart like a cardboard toy train bogie…it was hard to believe that the train is made up of iron…or may be I never knew the power of a bomb.
(For blasted bogie pics, click the link for pictures at the end of the blog.)
It was such a panicking situation…people started running for safety and many others even stayed calm and ran to help the people in the blown up bogie.
I was standing with Kush and looked at the fucked up bogie and that was my 1st and last look towards it…
there was blood…there were bodies…and there were iron pieces both equally blown up…I could not believe what I was looking at…people were shouting…people from nearby apartments were throwing water…may be medicines…and I guess few bed sheets too…to help the people helping others…Some were helping the wounded victims to get a seat on track and cover their wounds…I saw a man with the blood covered shirt…some nice guy was helping him…
(For pics, click the link for pictures at the end of the blog.)
People have always cherished the helpfulness of the people of Mumbai and that day I saw it with my own eyes.
I walked along with Kush to the western express highway and there we could see how the city has been affected.
It was a heavy traffic jam; people were getting into all possible transportation available to reach their homes.
Just after the blast the entire mobile connectivity went down in the entire city…there was either heavy congestion…or as some one even said…the service providers do it purposefully so that there should not be any rumors…
To our luck we both were able to call our beloved ones and inform them that we are safe…
After we reached highway, to our luck after sometime we got the lift till kandivali.
Two elder guys in a car gave us the lift, probably they noticed out company id cards (exposing them was Kush’s idea).
From kandivali we both got in a bus and reached borivali…we then separated and rode to our respective homes…I took the rick till my place.
I don’t exactly remember when, but later I came to know that there have been in all 7 blasts in the 7 different local trains in the city…all were from Churchgate to Borivali or Virar…in the most peak hours…trains are highly crowded…and that’s what the motherfuckers’ aimed for…a big toll…and they got it…209 lives ended in the attacks and almost 700 got injured.
The blast in our train was the first of the seven blasts.
The 7 blasts took place in exact 11 minutes from 18.24 pm to 18.35 pm.
The date was 7/11 too.
When the train came to Elphinstone road station, I almost ran to get into the 1st class bogie which was ahead in the train…then Kush just held my hand and stopped me saying I don’t need to run as one more 1st class bogie will halt at the place where we were standing…there are the poles marked with colored strips as the mark…which I was not aware of…and then we got in the bogie which arrived infront of us…just few minutes later…the 1st class bogie infront of us was blown up…I would have been in it…if Kush wouldn’t have stopped me…
Later that night…I got a message from Kush “the distance between our life and death was between Elphinstone road and lower parel”.
He was true…if I would have got into train from lower parel…I would have got in the 1st class bogie ahead in the train…probably it would have been the last day of my life…or probably I would have been handicapped and life would have been worse than death…I am thankful to Kush :-)
In a few days the city returned to normal…as they as…Mumbai never halts!
The very next day I left for my hometown Nagpur and then I had to tell my story to all my friends as everybody was so curious to hear it :-)
Yesterday, exact 2 years passed by after the incident.
Life hasn’t changed much…same crowd in locals…same sweat…same rush…same joy.
*** This blog is a tribute to the victims of the attacks and is dedicated to all my well wishers and especially to Kush.
To know more in details about the attacks Please click here
The pictures related to the blasts are quite disturbing,
To see the pictures Please click here
Saturday, July 5, 2008
10 t-shirts, 5 shirts and 1 trouser
Some of you may think that’s what I shopped for this weekend…
But that’s not true.
U know what it is?
It’s the count…count of clothes I washed today…lol
Ya I myself wash my clothes (my roommates too)
We had a dhobi (washerman) but we were not satisfied by his work and why we haven’t bought washing machine, I don’t kno :-)
Now everyone wash their clothes according to their comfort and feasibility.
The best way to wash clothes is to wash them asap after they get dirty with sweat or dust or something else…but wash them asap so they don’t pile up on ur ass…
But as usual I am used to let things pile up.
At Eleventh hour….u know…sometimes I feel my life started at 11th hour…hehe
Anyways…so the thing is…this is not the 1st time I have washed so many clothes at a time…but that doesn’t mean…I do it easily…
Man I woke up at 12 (its normal on weekends…I felt I woke up pretty early…lol)
I was thinking of washing clothes from few weekends but couldn’t manage…
Finally I decided that today is the big day…
I started sorting out the clothes which need the wash…and it was no surprise that almost all needed it…hehe…
Specially my t-shirts….man…I can’t tell u how dirty they got…
Rainy season is going on in mumbai…already the normal moisture content of air is so much and this causes the clothes to absorb this moisture and then the sweat mixes with it and then it forms those white marks on clothes…I guess this is cuz of the salts present in our sweat…in rainy season some more reaction happens which make these marks worse…worse like feeling YUCK when u take a look at your black t-shirts after quite a lot days…
This is my own understanding of how the marks are formed…and I m pretty sure that it's correct :-)
Anyways I took a look at my black t-shirts after a long time…I felt yuck…and then I couldn’t ignore it anymore…I had to wash them…
8 black t-shirts
2 non black t-shirts
5 formal shirts
1 formal trouser
16 fuckin clothes man…I washed them at one go…
I went inside bathroom at 5.30 pm or something and came out at about 7.30.
I took almost 90 minutes to finish the job…and then I bathed and then a relaxing sutta (sutta is a hindi slang for “cigarette”)
Right now I am alone at home.
Roommates have gone for movie…I denied cuz I knew I won’t make it and I dint want them to get late cuz of me.
Watched TV for sometime…Venus Williams beat Serena Williams in Wimbledon final… :-)
Came online for time pass but no1’s there…anyways planning to see a movie…on my laptop…time to log off…bye n tkcr.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
What A Day !!
I was in pune.
Went to meet Rumi.
I reached pune on Saturday, the day was usual.
Sunday began normally.
Rumi, me, Akshay and Veenu, we met.
1stly we went to telephone shoppee to buy the mobile for Rumi.
She wanted to buy a nice and costly cell.
We bought HTC P4350 for her. Its an awesome phone.
The piece is same like mine but it has a keyboard below it.
It comes sliding out and then you have to operate the phone horizontally.
It is too cool.
I was too excited, I guess more than Rumi :-)
Then from there we decided to go to meet Wasim, as he was operated for some minor operation of extra growing bone of his nose. Veenu was driving the santro in which we all were there.
And then at a turn, while she was taking left, there was a esteem going straight on the perpendicular road and before that car should pass Veenu took the turn and there was slight touch of the 2 vehicles.
The front bumper of santro hit the back bumper of the esteem.
Speaking the truth, our vehicle was more damaged than the front car. But the fact was that it was our mistake ;-) hehe...not completely though.
At 1st the 2 vehicles stopped.
But then the ladies from the esteem got out and started arguing.
I didn’t expect that the matter will be stretched for the time it actually got.
There was big argument between the two parties.
The worst part was that in the front car, only driver was male and all others were females.
And that’s the worst that can happen, according to me.
The females in the car started speaking so nonsense that I get irritated even now if I think of every fuckin senseless argument they were giving.
We were at the accident spot for more than half an hour.
I tried to convince the driver that these things happen...
There was just a scratch on there back bumper and it got a small dent too but I still believe it was earlier there; probably it got more bent cuz of our hit.
I tried to convince driver to take some few hundreds from us and settle the matter but that idiot was pressurized by the women and hence we all went to the near by garage to know how much actually the damage was.
We drove to the garage near by and there again we wasted another half an hour just arguing.
I was so frustrated arguing with those 3 females …I just can’t express it in words here.
The perfect hindi words or say phrases for it are “Dimaag ka dahi hona”…or “matthapacchi”.
At last when I was still giving fight to the senseless arguments of those females in front of the garage mechanics, Askhay came in between and gave the driver 1000 bucks and that was the end of the fight.
I still feel that I would have fought and settled the matter in hundreds but that’s fine.
Sometimes it’s better to just get the rid of such matters rather than staying and arguing and waste your time.
There are many things and dialogues from the incident (accident) which were too funny proving how dumb the females are, but mentioning it in words won’t create that effect.
One good thing from our side was that none of the 2 gals in car got out for the argument. :-)
Anyways after that we went to meet Wasim in hospital and then at night it was a big match…Euro Cup 2008 final between Germany and Spain.
I don’t wanna remember all of it as I feel that Germany really didn’t perform up to expectations and hence lost the match :-(
So in all the day was all about mixed feelings, excitement and happiness of buying a nice phone, adventure and frustration of an accident and then sadness of Germany losing the match.
What a Day !!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Holland vs Russia (Euro Cup 2008 3rd QF)
The match was really an exciting one.
Though not as exciting as last nite's match :-)
Netherlands has been the highest goal scorer in Euro Cup 2008 till today.
They have scored 9 goals in just 3 matches and won all of them.
But today in quarter final knock out match against Russia they didn’t do that well I guess.
1st half went without goals.
In second half Russia scored the 1st goal in 56’.
I watched match from 75’ (was out for some personal reason...came home at 1.30 am :-) )
When it was almost the end of the match, just before 4 minutes, Netherlands managed to equal up the match. A goal was scored at 86’.
All depressed Holland fans as if were celebrating their independence.
They were so damn disappointed and depressed just a minute ago and then suddenly this goal brought them to life.
The match equaled with 1 – 1 score and then began the extra time.
In 1st half of the extra time no goals.
Then in 2nd half at 112’ Russia did it.
What a goal it was…a shoot from near the corner just ahead of goal and then a winning touch by another to get the ball inside.
As if this was not enough just within 4 minutes Russia hit another goal at 116’.
This too was a fantastic goal.
Netherlands couldn’t do anything after that.
They knew their destiny.
The game was over.
Russia had knocked them out.
Russia defeated Netherlands by 3 – 1.
The only match Netherlands lost made them leave the cup.
Tomorrow is the last QF match between Spain and Italy…its gonna be a great fun too.
Let’s see what happens.
Gudnite …time to sleep…zzz
Friday, June 20, 2008
Croatia VS Turkey (Euro Cup 2008 2nd QF)
Its 3 am 21st June 2008.
One of the most dramatic football matches just ended.
Euro Cup 2008 2nd Quarter Final Match between Croatia and Turkey.
A total play of almost 125 mins.
The match ended as 0 – 0 in 90 mins.
Then began the extra time for 30 mins.
No goal in 1st half of extra time.
No goal till 118’.
And then in 119’ Croatia hit the goal. A pass from near the corner and then header to score the goal.
All Croatian fans were as happy as they should be.
And all Turkey fans were equally depressed.
Isn’t it fantastic to score the goal in the second last minute of the match and that too in the extra time?
Man what a match changing point it was.
Croatian players along with their coach were as if celebrating the Euro Cup Final Win.
And then it happened…Armageddon for them…Sky fell on them…Dreams Shattered…
In fuckin 120+2 min of match, last min of match, just within a min after Croatia scored goal…in extra time of extra time, Turkey scored a goal. A free kick for Turkey which came in D and them Semih hit it straight in the goal like a bullet.
It was so dramatic. Match equaled just in time…and literally just in time.
The complete scene reversed.
Turkey fans cheering up. Croatian fans tensed.
It was time for Penalties.
Croatia hit the 1st…SAVED by Turkey’s 35 yrs old goalkeeper.
Turkey hit the 1st…GOAL.
Croatia hit the 2nd…GOAL
Turkey hit the 2nd…GOAL
Croatia hit the 3rd…AGAIN SAVED
Turkey hit the 3rd…GOAL
Croatian player came for the 4th hit…If he doesn’t hit this as GOAL…Croatia is OUT.
Turkey goalkeeper…if he saves this one…Turkey is IN.
And then they WON…TURKEY…
The goal was saved.
Tears rolled over Croatian fans’ and players’ faces.
And all Turkey fans and players were enjoying.
Croatia didn’t lose a single game in Euro Cup 2008 before this.
But the only one it lost…dragged it out of the game.
A great match, it was.
Turkey defeated Croatia by 3 – 1 in Penalties.
Time to sleep…3.40 am

Saw this movie last Sunday 15th June at 2 am :-)
Was getting bored and then came to know that the upcoming Aamir’s movie "Ghajni" is a remake of this one.
So decided to see it as it was in my collection.
Memento is directed by Christopher Nolan, I had seen one more movie by him "The Prestige" and it's also a cool movie.
Memento actually means a thing kept as reminder, that death is inevitable.
A real cool movie.
It’s a psychological thriller described in wiki.
The movie is about a guy who suffers from anterograde which you cannot build up more memories...after the point of incident (accident).
This is the condition which Guy Pearce(Leonard) keeps on telling everyone he meets.
Leonard chases a guy named "John G" and since he can’t rmbr anything about the people he meets he keeps on taking their snaps and writing notes on them.
To make sure he doesn’t forget the details and clues he also has imp clues tattooed on his body allover. The one most imp, alws making him rmbr his aim is on his chest written in mirror image "John G raped and murdered my wife".
The movie has just 3 main characters – Leonard, Teddy and Natalie.
The movie is beautifully directed.
The movie has 2 sequences running in black & white and color.
The b&w sequence is the forward chronology and the color one is the reverse chronology.
It’s really fun to watch the u will keep on scratching your head in order to fix the jigsaw pieces shown on screen...but it is not until last sequence shown that you will completely get the final order and positions of the pieces.
The 1st scene of the movie is the last scene of the story and the last scene of the movie is the middle scene of the story but revealing the truth. Sounds confusing huh…but that’s what it is.
It’s a low budget movie and shot in just 25 days.
This was the 1st Guy Pearce's movie I saw and I liked the actor.
The only person known for me in the movie was Natalie (Carrie-Anne Moss – Trinity in Matrix).
It’s a recommended movie.
I give it at 3.5 stars out of 5. :-)
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Klueless3 Answers
Level0 --- change the url to
Level1 --- change the url to
Level2 --- whitewash
Level3 --- nero
Level4 --- east
Level5 --- iv
Level6 --- beckham
Level7 --- cancer
Level8 --- atm
Level9 --- importance
Level10 --- change the url to
Level11 --- h2g2
Level12 --- truth
Level13 --- travis
Level14 --- love
Level15 --- the sign of four
Level16 --- liv tyler
Level16a --- arwen
Level17 --- Guy Fawkes
Level18 --- Watterson
Level19 --- Mel Blanc
Level20 --- grand
Level21 --- fortune
Level22 --- roaster --- download office.xls
Level23 --- Bruce Edgar
Level24 --- newspaper
Level25 --- livewire
Level26 --- 27
Level27 --- 666
Level27a --- beast
Level28 --- F
Level29 --- Marvolo
Level30 --- room 101
Next Level --- change url to
So dats it...Hope you are happy now by these Klueless 3 Answers.
Klueless3 Hints
I will give hints for all the 30 levels in Klueless3.
Klueless3 has very difficult levels from 1 ~ 10, bit difficult from 11 ~ 20 and less difficult from 21 ~ 30 … but don’t 4get the word difficult is still thr.
All hints are according to the path I followed, described in my own words nd not copied from some1 else’s blog.
I just can assure you dat I wont misguide u.
The last lines in some clues are related to the answer…u may find them weird…but after u get the answer…u wil get the logic.
Google and Wikipedia are the only way out if u r stuck.
If you don’t get enuf clues, v can discuss it here itself with many oders’ if they join in J
In case I m not available here, u can directly mail me on my gmail id
In case of utter desperation and frustration at the same time, u can message me on 9970287049. I will try my best to reply u or cal u bk, depending upon the work load in office.
Let me kno by leaving a comment…if my Klueless 3 Hints were helpful.
klueless3 game rules (very imp) :-
Level0 :- try the basic fundas of klueless…1st few stages are the warm up stages making u rmbr the basic things of getin thru the levels..klueless is smtimes deceptive…it doesn’t want u to do..wat it is askin u to…or telin u to.
Level1 :- tried clickin everywhr but u dint revoke any dialogue box to submit answer??
M I rite??? Check the source code…it tells you where to answer or rather complete the sentence on screen.
Level2 :- hmmm….r u sure, u r lookin at eveythin on screen???
Do u rmrb some tips from klueless1??? Or if u chck the source code, I don’t think u need to think anything??? The answer is thr.
Level3 :- No need to concentrate who the king is, hope u kno wat the monument is and use the page title…try completing it…this will lead towards answer but after that use ur own logic to match the different words.
Level4 :- if you have a real gud eye..u will see wat is needed…nd then just use the clue of source code and the page title..that gives u the easy answer…search for the signs…enigmatic though.
Level5 :- You need to figure out wat the pic exactly mean. It wont take much effort to kno if u have some basic Gk bout rock world and then wiki will lead u to answer. Don’t 4get to read the entire page. Don’t forget that the answer is a number without digits…u kno…I am same…WE are same.
Level6 :- u hv to simply find the connection between 3 pictures. The are bent it…you have to bend it too…Find the name of the monument…then…find wats common between the pic of lady..nd smthing in url…then find common between that common (person) and the 3rd pic…u will get the answer…the answer is a very very very well known word…a part of sm1 very famous person’s name….i have almost written the answer now. :-)
Level7 :- shud nt tk more dan a minute… if u see all the clues…the page title and the pic …nd url gives u the answer..very very staright answer.
Level8 :- hmmm…u wud have got this in a minute if u wud hv been british…newys…try to frame a phrase for the 2 pics u see…both have the same meaning…search for it then in wiki…nd read the entire page u will get the answer…the page title is also a gud clue.
Level9 :- one of the easiest to get thru…don’t think bout the page title…or wat u see on screen or the url…just check the source code and see wat has been highlighted…I guess ur English is gud enuf to kno atleast few synonyms.
Level10 :- perhaps the toughest of all…1st clue is dat this has one hidden level in between…now its upto u…to get to dat level...its not too tough if u’ve played klueless b4…
nd then search for the secret of 52…get the secret way to decode in wiki...
page title and caption for the picture form another rule to decode…
nd then wat u see in hidden level…only half of its part is imp…ignore the 1st half…apply the rule…nd get the answer…this will clear ur few basics…I hope…
since there is no space to submit answers…the only thing remained to change is the url. :-)
Level11 :- whu is the guy…since the url has word book..i guess he is an author...but wat book…the page title and his action in picture tells u the name…not complete though…but a major part of the book name…nd then u have to get the biggest clue from the source code…just think wat examples are given and how can it be related with the book name..dats the answer.
Level12 :- think hard…enuf klues are already given…the clues are askin u to go smwhr…the picture resembles smthing…the word zero is present twice…in url and in page title…wat does this all mean??? Go nd find the truth thr…it isn’t bitter.
Level13 :- Source code is the biggest clue…few words of it… its obvious the text is ciphered…now all u have to do is to kno…wat cipher dis is… the man who can find those lucky words of source code can get the cipher easily…once u get wat exactly is written...dont think much…just goggle for it…nd u wil get the answer...its smthin mentioned in url.
Level14 :- I guess this is the best composed level in the game…if u have attended all the periods in ur school…u wil need 5 mins…the page title is the BIGGEST clue here…Does smthing click to those two words on screen???...if it does click…then “XXXXXXXXX” matches between us…Wat are those numbers..nd wat table is the source code askin u to refer…just give it a thot…wen u get it all…SIMPLY CONNECT…nd nthng else.
Level15 :- Hope you get…whu d characters are...later wonder wat is additional in the pic...if you see wikipedia for the correct character amongst the two…you will find the same pic…nd u will figure out...few signs are additional…how many are they??…y are they thr??... r they telling u the exact answer…read wiki...get the answer…I hope I dint spoil.
Level16 :- one of the easiest level..just type (in google)…the complete name of the actress on screen…nd the key word in the url…dat gives u the answer thr itself in the search result.
Level16a :- I guess easier than the previous level…just type in google two imp words…one is clue that you get from the source code…oder is the clue on ur screen infront of u(answer of previous level)…dats all.
Level17 :- the source code helps you to get the answer…I think its quite a helpful clue…you can think upon few oder clues…which are very direct like…the page title and caption above the mask…do u think V is alws for Victory???
Level18 :- u need to research to kno who are they…image name combined with the source code is useful hint…once u get thru dat…the page title will help to kno the answer…but again a part of answer is required not the complete part…some part which source code has asked for.
Level19 :- not a hard one…url and source code are giving u the same big clue…the cartoon on screen will help u more…i guess now u know whu has said dat...but u have to find…whu actually said dat…the answer is smthin dat u wud get in a blank mail.
Level20 :- i took a lot of time for this one...infact i jus took answer from my fnd..hehe…
newys…see the source code…something is hidden thr…smthin like u did in lvl every word sm letter is highlighted…combine them, u wil get smthing…i dnt thnk doing all this is actualy needed...i dnt kno my clue is gonna help u or not…actually u have to cmplt the word on screen…have u ever noticed…how difficult it is to paint…dont u think u need to have a grand imagination.
Level21 :- quite easy one…fortunately i got thru dis one within a minute…just get the keywords from wat u see on screen…google for them…goto wiki…read the complete page…u will come to kno...wat those xxxxx stand for…the text dat has been written on pic by the author is also a big clue…it will help u pickin the exact sentence written by X’s…enter the word…dat has been highlighted by the X’s in red…dats all.
Level22 :- dis was a real nice one…the url…source code…name of the image u c…the text written…the image itself…are all very very useful clues…then page title “0.5” is smthin u have to think upon…don’t thnk very complex…be simple…
this stage has a middle stage…after u get to know wat the above thing is pointing towards…u wil have to change smthin…nd get wat u were searchin for(the middle stage)…after u get that thing…u will be more surprised as u will think nthng is thr...but thr is smthin…u have to find the keyword…dat is thr…how to find…either the source code + page title clue combinely will help u…or thr is a very simple easy way to find it…if u r aware of few windows fundas.
Level23 :- enuf clues are thr…I kno u will easily find the cipher used..but now don’t scratch ur head much to find the key…the key has already been mentioned thrice…if u think something dat is highlighted is a key then u are misleaded…after u decode the text…just google it to get the answer.
Level24 :- again a simple one…don’t concentrate on the lyrics written…don’t concentrate on band…neither the name of the song…just concentrate on few letters in the text…few highlighted in a real nice way…combine them…nd then check the source…to kno the simple procedure to decode them…one of the most common cipher…its not difficult to cut the newspaper with the scissors. :-)
Level25 :- hmmm…again u have to decode…if typewriter was not comfortable…then obviously sm1 must have simplified it…wat ws dat…why all letters are marked “X” except one in d pic…this all will lead u only one thing…use that thing to decode the text…its pretty easier…
the answer wil give u a shock. :-)
Level26 :- hw much r u aware of rock moozik…I m a crazy u kno some stories…if not this is pretty difficult for u…still I will help…do u kno…whu is the posthumous richest rockstar…whu rocked 1969 woodstock…what is “the American” night about…if u kno dese 3 persons…FIGURE out something common between them…ages have passed but still its known.
Level27 :- dis is a real nice one…it increased my knowledge…it wont take much effort to kno how to decode wat u see…once u get the exact it…find out wat it is related to…the truth is horrifying…out of all the digits in number u get…which number is highlighted by blue lines…nd y it is highlighted.
I love IRON MAIDEN…if u too…then this n even next a child’s play for u.
Level27a :- As I told u…dis is an easy one...luk at the url and nd I guess it is related with a wild horrifyin animal…rite…i almost wrote the answer.
Level28 :- I took a bit long time for this...but lastly figured it out…u kno...wat u r lukin at is not sm silly pencil sketch by the klueless authors…it is a manufacturing pic of smthing…wat thing…the clue gives u a very simple answer…wat doesn’t fail in zero gravity and even underwater…if u get dat thing…just see the related page in wiki…no need to read anything…just scroll the page and look at images…u will come to kno the answer instantly…it the answer for the “?”
Level29 :- Marvellous…I was so fed up at this stage…just cuz i dint try something very simple at this stage...u have done dat…i hd done dat…1stly think that wat the author is poiting towards…which fantasy fiction…one u get the names of all books…concentrate on wat is written on the parchment and wat the page title tells u…both are same things…now u have to search for 7 more clues…how will u do that…dats upto u…but dats not all…after u get those 7 things…u have to search for the question…it will be formed combining all 7 things u got...nd dat will lead u to answer.
Level30 :- the worst thing in the world is dat it is infront of u but u cant c it…u must be thinkin real hard since it’s the last stage…don’t be under assumption dat dis is very hard…u have to simply link or find connection between matrix and 1984…there is no fire in the room.
Next Level :- now plz don’t tel me…u r not getin this one..u kno wats coming next…nd u don’t have any oder plc to write it except the plc whr u need to.
I hope my klues helped u guys…
Thanks to Rahul for helping me out to get thru some stages.
Kip in touch…Kip Rockin \m/
Kluesless...Fundoo Timepass !!
This is the 1st time I am writing bout Klueless in my blog.
For the beginners, klueless is one of the best online games available.
It is a part of IIM Indore’s annual festival IRIS.
Till date Klueless(1), Klueless2 and Klueless3 have been released.
Few days back, I completed Klueless 3.
The best part of Klueless is that it passes the firewall of most IT companies, lol.
Klueless is a very enticing game.
A single word for it is “addiction”.
You get addicted to it and then no matter what oder work or study responsibilities u have, u 1st wanna complte the damn game.
Its too frustrating when u cant get thru the clues on various blogs and stil find urself in the middle of nthng.
This is the 1st motto for this blog.
I will be writing 2 separate blogs named Klueless 3 Hints (Klueless3 Hints) and Klueless 3 Answers (Klueless3 Answers).
Believe me Klueless is the game where you will come to a point of begging for the answer.
At few points I was too desperate to search for Klueless3 answers on google but cudnt get anything. Hope my blog helps some of u.
There are blogs available with direct answers for Klueless1 and Klueless2.
I will try my best to write/reply the hints in a way so that the players won’t need to look for the answers directly.
My 1st blog will be about Klueless3 and later I will be writing the same 2 blogs for Klueless1.
Klueless2 is quite different from 1 and 3. In it you have to play Sherlock Homes and solve a case. As compared to oder 2, I found it bit boring, but rmbr I said “as compared to”, oderwise no Klueless has been boring.
Most imp tip:-
A webpage consist of 4 imp things:-
1. url
2. page title – smthing written after the IE logo on the topmost left corner on screen.
3. source code.
4. the matter u see on webpage…smtimes thr are hidden things too…
So guys here comes my 1st blog.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Too many issues and too close deadlines !!
Though it has happened 3 or 4 times only, i dnt rmbr exactly but it sucks like nethin...
Itna sara kaam and no aaram...
Weekdays are totally packed too...
Out of the 5 weekdays I try my best and go by 8 am bus and come back by 9 pm bus. Dats means I be in office exactly for 12 hours...12 fuckin hours...When I return, its too tiring to do nethng...somehow gulp ur food, see sm stupid things on TV, luckily if some gud movie, on if I am left wid sm energy switch on the lappy.
The only time I get to sleep well is those days when I goto office by 11 am bus...nd Friday nite.
Software Engineers await so eagerly for friday nites but when it is weeks like I go thru, then the only thing awaited is time to sleep....nd dats wat i do these weekends...sleep sleep and sleep...
Get online wenever possible and left with energy for the same...
Hope so, this work pressure reduces and life becomes normal. :-)
Saala kal bhi office jana hain :-(