The movie is based on an urban legend or say frightening stories parents tell their children (if you know what I mean). Nothing much to tell about the movie other than that you can watch it atleast once.
I would rate it 7/10.
You Scream. You Die.
You like to think you are never wrong... You have to act like you are someone... You want someone to hurt like you... You want to share what you have been through... ...You live what you have learnt......
This blog is completely written from my point of view. I strongly believe that 2 different persons can’t always have same opinions, so in case you don’t agree with anything written here or feel hurt cuz of it, frankly telling “I don’t give a damn!”
a combined comment for all da 4 movie posts..
i hav nt seen street kings..
but i can share the sin of watching "teeth" and "the doomsday"..
lolz...ya ... i kno..raise ur hand..if u r a sinner...
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