For the smokers who are actually used to smoke whenever and wherever they like,
This news in Times of India will make a difference from 2nd of October.
The Govt of India has finally decided to forcefully impose the law of smoking ban in public places all across the country…For those who are unaware of the fact…this law was formed and also applied 2 years ago…but as you know WE INDIANS never followed it and our lovely government stood helpless for these 2 years…But now our Health Minister Mr. Ramadoss has decided not to let this rule violation continue anymore…hope he succeeds (lol)
But to tell you my honest opinion…I have a gut feeling that this time it’s gonna work…the article mentioned above describes all the acts and actions that will be taken care by the government.
A fine of 200 bucks and which will be further increased to 1000 bucks will be imposed if a person is caught smoking in public places and if within an organization then the organization will have to pay the extra fine of 5000 bucks per person…1000 bucks sounds like a heavy fine man :-(
Anyways I guess companies must be taking their own precautionary and corrective measures of declaring the smoking zones and hence will be safe and the clever smokers will find their way out by not violating the law.
I won’t be affected much as I always smoke along roadside (roads and parks are NO more public places under this law)…I guess neither will it be a great deal for other smoker friends as almost all the tapris in INDIA are along roadside (Tapri is the hindi word for a place where you get cigarettes and chai (tea)…standard tapri is also known as PAN SHOP)
Government thinks that most school kids start smoking just because they see people around them smoking and also on screen (I will write another blog post on this screen funda)…may be the govt is correct here…and if it is so then the law may help…
But what I honestly feel is that most of the people smoke cuz they want to and feel like smoking…and at least I am not amongst those who started smoking may be cuz of others or just for the style as shown on screen (according to many people).
But ban on smoking in hotels and pubs and discos doesn’t sound like a good idea…I wonder how can some one enter a disco or pub and find no smoke anywhere…he may pinch himself to believe the scene.
Creating smoke zones at these places won’t be a good idea either…I guess the owners will prefer to hang the smoke zone board right besides the name of the place e.g. CAFÉ MONDEGAR [Smoke Zone]…lolz…
Whatever…I hope the law will be followed at the feasible places and the rest I guess...lets wait and watch…or may be again the law stays on paper for few more years as it did for last 2 years and then govt actually accepts the need of amendment.
Oh man…I need a smoke :-)
I agree with the above guy, but if a stringent measure would be taken this is something INDIA could look forward...
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