Yuppieee….Finally we did it…
Me and Rahul…as we planned…completed Klueless 4 :D
Moment to be proud of…
But it wasn’t too easy…it took almost 2 and half days…
We started the moment...the game was launched on 23rd October sharp 10 am and then yesterday at about 2 pm we completed it…it was a great feeling to plan something and then achieve it :D (many such things are still pending in life…hope same happens with them too)
Anyways I feel so happy to tell you that Rahul and Me have conquered the 7th position in the Klueless4 hall of fame.
The game was too good…just can’t describe the experience in words…it’s simply addictive…as the poster says.
These 2 and half days I was at Rahul’s room only. We didn’t expect that we will be ranked so high…cuz all the last versions we played…the 500 names in hof were already there…hehe…obviously we started much later…anyways this time we didn’t leave any chance for that and luckily very few people completed the game before us.
Lastly thanks to people who posted hints in Klueless blog which helped us whenever we needed a direction and obviously a BIG THANKS to KLUELESS 4 team…u guys rock \m/
P.S. I didn’t read anything in these 2 and half days… :-( But that doesn’t mean I am not taking my studies seriously…I will compensate it.